Access past Georgia State University MLK Commemoration ceremonies going back to 2023 here. Keywords: videos, multimedia, Martin Luther King. Jr., MLK Commemoration, commemorative events, ceremonies, events, history, ceremony
Regents Center for Learning Disorders (RCLD) at Georgia State University
Regents Center for Learning Disorders (RCLD) at Georgia State University
The Regents Center for Learning Disorders (RCLD) at Georgia State University is one of three centers established by the University System of Georgia Board of Regents to provide assessment, training, research and resources related to students who have learning disorders or other impairments. Its mission is to empower University System of Georgia students with learning difficulties to rise above their challenges and provide them with a path forward for academic success. Keywords: student success, learning disabilities, learning disorders, centers
Center for Urban Language Teaching and Research
Center for Urban Language Teaching and Research
The Center for Urban Language Teaching & Research, CULTR is the first LRC in the Southeastern U.S.. Our mission is to enhance the global skills opportunities of urban and underrepresented learners and educators. Our slogan, “Languages for all”, underscores our commitment to providing access to fulfilling language programs and meaningful professional development. CULTR is guided by its core values of access, advocacy, outreach & research. Keywords: centers, language education, access to language education, global education, CULTR
Panther's Pantry
Panther's Pantry
Panther's Pantry locations distribute food, hygiene and additional supplies to the Georgia State community to alleviate stress associated with short-term food insecurity in order to effectively reduce hunger and support educational success.
Keywords: food assistance, food bank, food pantries, hygiene supplies, food insecurity, hunger, nutrition assistance, student nutrition, food pantry
Digital Learners to Leaders
Digital Learners to Leaders
Through Digital Learners to Leaders (DLL), student-led teams create digital solutions to real challenges students identify. Students are able to grow digital skills and develop portfolios, with support and guidance from a diverse group of technology professionals in Atlanta’s education, business, government and non-profit communities. DLL provides a unique opportunity to demonstrate to future employers skill sets in digitization and problem solving. Participating in DLL will sets students apart and sets them up for academic and interpersonal success. The Digital Learners to Leaders program increases digital literacy of Georgia State and high school students, focusing on female and minority student, and creates a path for more diverse students to pursue studies in computer science and technology.
Keywords: diversity in STEM, minorities in STEM, STEM education, STEM leadership, computer science, information technology, women in STEM, information technology
Free Passport Initiative
Free Passport Initiative
The Free Passport Initiative supports diversity and inclusion in international programs by making passports free to students who have never had one before, removing a barrier to study abroad programs and global education.
Keywords: free passports, free passport program, free passport initiative, international education, study abroad, global education, international initiatives, diversity abroad
Global Scholar Distinction Program
Global Scholar Distinction Program
Georgia State University recognizes students who earn the Global Scholar Distinction for their development of global competence: the skills, knowledge and awareness that enhance the ability to succeed in a global environment. Global Scholars can communicate across cultures, think critically about the world, adapt to new and unfamiliar situations and market global skills to employers. The Global Scholar Distinction is open to all majors in all colleges. It opens doors to rewarding global career opportunities at home and abroad.
Center for Leadership in Disability
Center for Leadership in Disability
The Center for Leadership in Disability (CLD) has been a University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities in the Mark Chaffin Center for Healthy Development and the School of Public Health at Georgia State since 2008. CLD translates research into sustainable community practices that contribute to independent, self-determined, inclusive and productive lives for people with disabilities and their families.
Keywords: disabled, disabled people, disabilities research, community practice, School of Public Health, university centers
African American Male Initiative - My Brother's Keeper
African American Male Initiative - My Brother's Keeper
The University System of Georgia’s (USG) African-American Male Initiative (AAMI®) is a system-wide initiative designed to increase the number of African-American males who complete their postsecondary education from any of the USG institutions.
My Brother's Keeper is Georgia State University's implementation of AAMI, the largest AAMI implementation in the state. MBK GSU seeks to support and cultivate a community of Black male scholars from all majors and enrollment statuses and develop them as leaders and change agents in their respective fields.
Keywords: Black men, Black male students, AAMI, Office of Black Student Achievement, student programs, mentorship, mentorship programs, leadership skills
Social Explorer
Social Explorer
**This resource library entry will open in a new browser window when you click the entry title.** Social Explorer is a data visualization tool that allows users to explore and map U.S. Census and other federal data, to include population, race, ethnicity, sex, housing, schools, religion, environmental issues, business patterns, and a wide range of other topics.
Keywords: data, databases, Social Explorer, Census data, data visualization, statistics, mapping, data tools, data information, University Library