Offices, departments, and services for students, faculty, and staff are in alphabetical order by title, beginning with titles starting with numbers, then A-Z.
The Access and Accommodations Center’s (AACE) seeks to create an accessible community where people are assessed on their ability, not their disability. AACE also strives to provide equal access to students with disabilities and provide individuals with the tools they need to accomplish their educational and career goals.
With the support of a $1 million ADVANCE adaptation grant from the NSF, the goal of ADVANCE-IMPACT (Intersectionality and Mentoring in the Professoriate for Advancement, Community and Transformation) is to adapt and implement practices at the university aimed at increasing the number of women, particularly women from underrepresented minority (URM) backgrounds, who are recruited, promoted, and retained in STEM tenure track positions and in Georgia State leadership by forming a partnership between Georgia State and Florida International University (FIU).
The University System of Georgia’s (USG) African-American Male Initiative (AAMI®) is a system-wide initiative designed to increase the number of African-American males who complete their postsecondary education from any of the USG institutions.
My Brother's Keeper is Georgia State University's implementation of AAMI, the largest AAMI implementation in the state. MBK GSU seeks to support and cultivate a community of Black male scholars from all majors and enrollment statuses and develop them as leaders and change agents in their respective fields.
Keywords: Black men, Black male students, AAMI, Office of Black Student Achievement, student programs, mentorship, mentorship programs, leadership skills
Established in 1996 by Dr. Lisa Delpit, The Alonzo A. Crim Center for Urban Education Excellence (CUEE) provides a “city-wide laboratory for the development of excellence in urban education.” Since its inception, the CUEE serves the southeast region of the nation as an interdisciplinary outreach, research and educational support and development hub aimed at continuing the legacy of Dr. Alonzo A. Crim.
Perimeter College’s American Sign Language pathway prepares students for transfer to baccalaureate programs in interpreting, education or social service.
The mission of the Asian and Asian American Faculty Identity Group (AAAFIG) at Georgia State University is to promote the interests of Asians and Asian Americans within GSU and to foster an inclusive community among Asian and Asian American university faculty for personal and professional growth. It is a group of the Diverse Faculty Alliance.
Interdisciplinary in focus, the center aims to advance knowledge and raise greater awareness of political, economic, social and cultural developments in Asia among the Georgia State community and Asian Americans in Atlanta and Georgia.
(Opens at the Diversity Database) Established in 2018, the Atlanta Global Studies Center (AGSC) is a partnership of Georgia State University and the Georgia Institute of Technology. Our mission is to enhance access to advanced language learning and to help deepen knowledge of global and intercultural issues for students, faculty and the public.
The center offers students extensive knowledge of Latin America and the Caribbean and their corresponding communities within the United States through academic study, personalized training and research abroad.
The Center for Leadership in Disability (CLD) has been a University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities in the Mark Chaffin Center for Healthy Development and the School of Public Health at Georgia State since 2008. CLD translates research into sustainable community practices that contribute to independent, self-determined, inclusive and productive lives for people with disabilities and their families.
Keywords: disabled, disabled people, disabilities research, community practice, School of Public Health, university centers
The Center for Studies on Africa and Its Diaspora is a hub for fostering a dynamic exchange of cultural, scientific, economic, policy and humanities knowledge among communities, partners and the university.
The Center for Urban Language Teaching & Research, CULTR is the first LRC in the Southeastern U.S.. Our mission is to enhance the global skills opportunities of urban and underrepresented learners and educators. Our slogan, “Languages for all”, underscores our commitment to providing access to fulfilling language programs and meaningful professional development. CULTR is guided by its core values of access, advocacy, outreach & research. Keywords: centers, language education, access to language education, global education, CULTR
(Opens to the Diversity Database) The Center for Urban Language Teaching and Research (CULTR) works to enhance the global skills opportunities of urban and underrepresented learners and educators.
The Dean of Students office provides Conflict Resolution as well as Decision-Making workshops for Georgia State University students. Whether you are attending to enhance your skills or you are required to attend, these workshops will help you manage conflict effectively and identify ways to make better decisions.
The Multicultural Center supports students aligning their purpose with personal, academic and career goals by building a culture that fosters cultural competence, diverse learning environments and community building.
The Department of Africana Studies at Georgia State University is dedicated to preserving, fostering, and expanding the interdisciplinary study of Black people and all those of African descent.
Through innovative scholarship, teaching, mentoring, and community service, the Department of Sociology crafts and translates sociological knowledge to foster social justice, equality, and policy transformation.
The Department of World Languages and Cultures serves a threefold purpose: to encourage an appreciation of humanistic values through the study of world literatures and cultures, to teach world languages as a means of communication, and to prepare students for academic careers and opportunities available in the field of international business.
Through Digital Learners to Leaders (DLL), student-led teams create digital solutions to real challenges students identify. Students are able to grow digital skills and develop portfolios, with support and guidance from a diverse group of technology professionals in Atlanta’s education, business, government and non-profit communities. DLL provides a unique opportunity to demonstrate to future employers skill sets in digitization and problem solving. Participating in DLL will sets students apart and sets them up for academic and interpersonal success. The Digital Learners to Leaders program increases digital literacy of Georgia State and high school students, focusing on female and minority student, and creates a path for more diverse students to pursue studies in computer science and technology.
Keywords: diversity in STEM, minorities in STEM, STEM education, STEM leadership, computer science, information technology, women in STEM, information technology
The Dean of Students office can provide assistance to students and families in the event of a documentable emergency circumstance that interferes with the student's class attendance. The Dean of Students office will coordinate with relevant campus resources to support the student's successful return to the university. Access a form to request assistance for financial hardship/emergency assistance here, and a form to donate to the Emergency Assistance Fund.
The office of Employee Development and Wellness Services (EDWS) is a Human Resources unit responsible for oversight of Faculty and Staff Assistance (FASA), the internal Employee Assistance Program (EAP), Work/Life Resources, and integrated Worksite Wellness Program geared toward serving Georgia State University faculty, staff, retirees and eligible dependents.
Equity & Civil Rights Compliance Investigations & Hiring, formerly the Office of AA/EEO Investigations & Hiring, is responsible for investigating equity and civil-rights related complaints, including discrimination and sexual harassment, monitoring faculty and staff hiring procedure, and developing and implementing plans to comply with policies, procedures, regulations and law.
**This entry will open the website of the ECRC in a new window.** The mission of the Office of Equity & Civil Rights Compliance (ECRC) Training & Compliance is to educate the University community and monitor compliance by providing engaging sessions and appropriate reviews to create an inclusive respectful environment. Workshops or trainings can be customized for your specific college or division. This office was formerly known as the Office of AA/EEO Training & Compliance.
In the report of the Commission for the Next Generation of Faculty, tasked to identify challenges and opportunities for addressing faculty inclusion and belonging, the commission highlighted the need to promote conversations and community engagement among faculty, especially those from underrepresented groups. In response to this recommendation, the Next Generation of Faculty’s Implementation Steering Committee proposed establishing organizations of faculty interested in engagement, community-building and advocacy among individuals who share the same identity or interests.
FASA is a special benefit offered at no cost to Georgia State faculty, staff, retirees, and eligible dependents. FASA offers professional, private and confidential services providing emotional support for managing work and life situations.
The Faculty of the African Diaspora Association (FADA) exists to support and enrich the experiences of Black students, staff, and faculty at Georgia State University, through advocacy, networking, mentorship, and engagement with surrounding communities. It is affiliated with the Diverse Faculty Alliance.
The Free Passport Initiative supports diversity and inclusion in international programs by making passports free to students who have never had one before, removing a barrier to study abroad programs and global education.
Keywords: free passports, free passport program, free passport initiative, international education, study abroad, global education, international initiatives, diversity abroad
(Opens at the Diversity Database) The Gender and Sexuality Resource Center (GSRC) is an extension of the Multicultural Center and focuses on providing services, resources and intentional support for students identifying as or connecting to LGBTQIQA and varying gender identities. The GSRC provides services including programming, workshops, organizational support and mentoring. Programming and services focus on all identities within the LGBTQIQA and varying gender communities. The GSRC welcomes all faculty, students and staff who would like to serve as allies for the LGBTQIQA and varying gender communities as well, or those with an interest in learning more.
The mission of GSUVETS is to increase morale and retention by providing veteran employees (both faculty and staff) support, networking, and career development opportunities. It is affiliated with the Diverse Faculty Alliance.
Gerontology is the study of aging across the life course. It encompasses the social, psychological and biological aspects of the aging process. It is a multidisciplinary field and can be applied to a variety of careers and professions.
Georgia State University recognizes students who earn the Global Scholar Distinction for their development of global competence: the skills, knowledge and awareness that enhance the ability to succeed in a global environment. Global Scholars can communicate across cultures, think critically about the world, adapt to new and unfamiliar situations and market global skills to employers. The Global Scholar Distinction is open to all majors in all colleges. It opens doors to rewarding global career opportunities at home and abroad.
IPA is responsible for facilitating partnership development, overseeing partnership support and establishing partner outcomes at Georgia State. Its mission is to is to excel and lead partnership engagement to achieve distinction in globalizing the university. Through initiating partnerships, coordinating agreements, hosting delegation visits and promoting international funding opportunities, IPA helps to advance Georgia State’s global connections.
The International Student Associations Council (ISAC) is comprised of the presidents and officers of 17 international student associations. The Council meets regularly to discuss issues pertaining to international students on campus and develop international student programs.
ISSS is an office in the Division of Student Success and is comprised of professional International Educators who provide comprehensive assistance and support for the international community at Georgia State University. ISSS helps international students and scholars with their initial adjustment to the University and Atlanta; provides information and advice about immigration regulations, cultural differences, financial matters, and personal concerns; and assists them throughout their stay through cross-cultural programming.
The mission of the Latina/o/x, Chicana/o/x, Caribbean, Hispanic and Indigenous (LACCHI) affinity group is to provide a space for solidarity and cross disciplinary collaboration for faculty and staff who identify as LACCHI. (Keywords: Latino, Latina, Latinx, Hispanic, Chicano, Chicana, Chicanix, Caribbean, Indigenous, faculty groups, faculty identity groups, Diverse Faculty Alliance)
LASSO seeks to recruit, retain, empower, graduate, and advance Latino/Hispanic students at Georgia State. LASSO’s mission is accomplished by offering students support services, mentoring programs, volunteer and outreach opportunities, leadership and career development programs, academic support programs, as well as referral services.
The Leadership for the Advancement of Women Faculty Program is a nine-month cohort-based leadership development experience for women faculty members, seeking to empower current and emerging women leaders who are committed to self-discovery, lifelong learning, career advancement and leadership.
The Middle East Studies Center at Georgia State University promotes greater understanding of the Middle East, its diverse cultures, languages, and people.
This resource listing includes information about military student and student veteran services, Military Outreach Centers, and where to go for help with VA educational benefits. Keywords: veterans, military, military students, VA
To achieve its goals, Black Student Achievement sponsors a number of academic, cultural and social events. Special interest programs address African American and other minority concerns.
Through volunteerism, community service and service learning assistance, Civic Engagement supports community initiatives and leadership opportunities giving students, faculty and staff the ability to serve their communities.
(Opens at the Diversity Database) The Office of Diversity Education Planning (ODEP) promotes an inclusive campus environment where all community members feel they belong. Through its partnerships with Georgia State departments and Atlanta-based businesses and organizations, ODEP provides training and programming to develop a culturally competent and inclusive workforce to serve the Georgia State and metro Atlanta communities.
The Office of Faculty Affairs provides supportive infrastructure and programming to recruit, appoint, retain and support faculty members and to help them achieve their full potential.
International Initiatives creates a university culture that builds interdisciplinary synergies and expands global opportunities where faculty, staff, students and our Atlanta-area colleagues can collaborate, innovate and form engaged partnerships with far-reaching impact.
The Office of the Ombudsperson offers free conflict management assistance to students, faculty, staff and administrators at Georgia State.
The Panther PRIME (Preparing, Retaining and Investing in Males through Engagement) AAMI program supports the educational and professional aspirations of African American men at Georgia State University. Panther PRIME was developed to help forward the AAMI which is committed to significantly increasing the graduation rates and number of degrees conferred upon African American men in the University System of Georgia.
Student voices and votes are a powerful force. Our goal is to empower the next generation of civic leaders committed to democracy that is inclusive and equitable for all.
Panther's Pantry locations distribute food, hygiene and additional supplies to the Georgia State community to alleviate stress associated with short-term food insecurity in order to effectively reduce hunger and support educational success.
Keywords: food assistance, food bank, food pantries, hygiene supplies, food insecurity, hunger, nutrition assistance, student nutrition, food pantry
PRISM is the alliance of Georgia State University's sexual and gender minority faculty and staff. It is a group of the Diverse Faculty Alliance.
The Regents Center for Learning Disorders (RCLD) at Georgia State University is one of three centers established by the University System of Georgia Board of Regents to provide assessment, training, research and resources related to students who have learning disorders or other impairments. Its mission is to empower University System of Georgia students with learning difficulties to rise above their challenges and provide them with a path forward for academic success. Keywords: student success, learning disabilities, learning disorders, centers
Staff Council is dedicated to providing service and fostering effective communication within the university community to make Georgia State the best possible place to work.
Find a student organization through the Panther Involvement Network database.
The Counseling Center provides individual counseling sessions, group counseling, couples counseling and mind-body services that are free of charge to enrolled Georgia State University students.
**This resource library entry will open in a new browser window when you click the entry title.** Therapy Assistance Online (TAO) is an online platform that is available at no cost to Georgia State faculty and staff. TAO may be accessed 24/7/365. (Keywords: employee assistance, therapy, mental health, mindfulness, wellness, employee help, counseling)
**Click this entry's headline link to visit the website of this committee; it will open in a new browser tab.** The University Senate Cultural Diversity Committee advises and makes recommendations to the University Senate on matters regarding cultural diversity, including equal treatment, ways in which the campus climate might be made more supportive for all.
**This resource entry will take you to the website of this department in a new browser window.** The Urban Studies Institute prioritizes the urban space by connecting interdisciplinary perspectives, teaching an innovative and specialized interdisciplinary curriculum, and engaging stakeholders in metropolitan Atlanta, nationally and abroad.
**This listing will take you to the group's web page in a new window.** The Georgia State University Women’s Group is a community of volunteers that provides a setting for intellectual and social contact for women faculty and professionals across campuses. The group organizes networking, growth, and support activities and collaborates with university leadership in an ongoing conversation to advance career development and enrich campus culture for women at Georgia State. (Keywords: women, women faculty, faculty resources, faculty identity groups, Assembly of Faculty Affinity Group Leaders, AFAL, faculty affinity groups)
**The link to this resource will take you to the website of this department in a separate window.** EDWS provides supportive health and wellness activities, classes and services. Special programs include Wellness on Wheels Outreach (onsite, virtual), First Thursdays Health Screenings (onsite, virtual), and Tobacco Cessation (onsite, virtual). Keywords: employee assistance, wellness, health, employee health, stress management, development, self-care