Listings are in alphabetical order by title, beginning with titles starting with numbers, then A-Z.
Georgia State is using the results of the COACHE survey as part of a multi-year improvement process. A COACHE micro-website is available to read more about Georgia State and COACHE, the survey results, timeline, action plan, presentations, updates and a contact form.
ScholarWorks is the searchable, open-access institutional repository administered by the University Library to collect, organize, disseminate and preserve the digital scholarly output of Georgia State University faculty, students and staff.
This staff climate survey provides a range of benefits to the institution and its employees, including: Information about staff perceptions regarding the nature of their work; policies and practices and the general climate at Georgia State; identify areas where staff feel the operational effectiveness of the University could be enhanced; indicate attitudes toward existing programs for staff and to identify the need for new programs; guide the actions of the Staff Council, the Administrative Council, the University Senate and other representative bodies through the use of reliable data; survey perceptions of managerial effectiveness and of the quality of the supervisor/employee relationship; identify issues that may facilitate or inhibit staff retention; assess the effectiveness of internal communication efforts.
IPORT is a web-based application that provides access to summarized and detail data that is stored in the university data warehouse, such as reports on enrollment, admissions, grades, graduation, retention, curriculum, faculty teaching duties and student housing.
Jill Anderson, the University Library librarian for Africana Studies, provides an overview of national and local Black history archives accessible online and in person. This resource list includes listings of databases, database access, and reading listings from recent University Library book acquisitions.
Social Explorer is a data visualization tool that allows users to explore and map U.S. Census and other federal data, to include population, race, ethnicity, sex, housing, schools, religion, environmental issues, business patterns, and a wide range of other topics.
Keywords: data, databases, Social Explorer, Census data, data visualization, statistics, mapping, data tools, data information, University Library
GIL-FIND is a library catalog search engine at Georgia State University connected with the University System of Georgia, where users can find resources from books and periodicals to multimedia resources - available for checkout in person, viewable/readable online, or from any one of the university system's public colleges and universities across Georgia. Keywords: academic journals, publications, academic publications, audiovisual materials, read online, research resources, scholarly resources, books, articles, film, multimedia, video, audio, interlibrary loan, searches, journal articles, monographs, catalog, catalogues
The University Library's extensive holdings of 467 databases provide powerful tools to find what you're looking for. Some of the most used databases are linked here, as well as an A-to-Z guide which allows you to search for specialized databases by subject. Separately, GSU ScholarWorks is a repository for research and scholarship authored by GSU faculty, students and staff. Keywords: University library databases, database searches, academic journals, publications, academic publications, audiovisual materials, read online, Academic Search Complete, JSTOR, dissertations, theses, thesis, monographs, manuscripts, research resources, scholarly resources, books, articles