Honoring the Dream and Vision
In 2025, the United States will mark the 42nd anniversary of the passage of the law that designates Martin Luther King Jr. Day as a U.S. federal holiday. Each year Georgia State University honors The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s life and work with numerous activities in January. Campus events feature lectures, discussions, celebration, and community service opportunities that reflect his dream and vision for civil rights and social justice.
The university has established this page to provide a central location for events across the institution's different colleges, schools, departments and other units; along with highlighted external events in the communities that Georgia State's campuses call home.

Commemoration Events
Regarding Inclement Weather: Event cancellations/postponements due to inclement weather are being posted here as soon as possible.
Please make sure to visit the university's main website regarding modified operations due to the weather by clicking here.
The following events have been cancelled or postponed as of 8:34 a.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 21:
- Tuesday, Jan. 21: “It Was All A Dream” Vision Board Party - Cancelled
- Tuesday, Jan. 21: Tuesday's showings of King in the Wilderness at Student Center West - Cancelled for this date due to GSU's move to modified operations/remote learning and work
- Wednesday, Jan. 22: MLK Commemoration Brunch - Postponed to February 17. Click here for more information about this event, now occurring during Georgia State's observance of Black History Month.
Additional information will be posted as it becomes available. Thank you for your understanding.
Jan. 20: MLK Day of Service: A Day On, Not a Day Off
Monday, Jan. 20
Various Locations
Leadership & Service
All campus events are open to all! Simply pick a service event.
Note: If there are changes due to inclement weather or any other matter, we will post the information here as soon as possible. Please note the postponement of the Newton campus service project to Feb. 1.
Atlanta - Unity Walk, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. : Walk through the historic streets of Atlanta to the MLK Center before splitting up to different local service projects in the Atlanta area. Learn more about this MLK Project in PIN.
This event has been postponed to Feb. 1 due to the threat of inclement weather.
Newton - Cemetery Cleanup: The Newton campus will collaborate with Covington County residents to clean a small cemetery off Ridge Road. Learn more about this MLK Project in PIN.
This event has been postponed due to the threat of inclement weather.
Alpharetta/Dunwoody - Autrey Mill Cleanup, 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. : Participants will clean and organize a section of the property including walking trails and historic village spaces. Learn more about this MLK Project in PIN.
Decatur - Military Support Letters, Tuesday, Jan. 21, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. : Participants will write letters of appreciation and support to military soldiers. Learn more about this MLK Project in PIN.
King in the Wilderness Showing
Tuesday, Jan. 21, - Thursday, Jan. 23, 3 p.m., 5 p.m. & 7 p.m.
Cinéfest Theater
Student Center West, Second Floor
Spotlight Programs Board
Note: Tuesday, Jan. 21 showings will not be taking place due to the university's move to modified operations/remote learning and work.
Through personal stories of the people who were around him, this film paints a portrait of Martin Luther King Jr. during the last years of his life, from his part in the Voting Rights Act of 1965 to his assassination in 1968.
Catch a free showing of this 2018 HBO original Tuesday - Thursday.
Vision Board Party (Cancelled)
Tuesday, Jan. 21, 4 to 6 p.m.
Student Center East Ballroom
Cultures, Communities & Inclusion
In celebration of the MLK Commemoration Week, join us for the annual It Was All A Dream Vision Board Party! Crafting supplies, boards and magazines will be provided, but please feel free to bring your own. Refreshments will be served.
Day Dream Brunch (MLK Commemoration Brunch) (Postponed)
This event has been rescheduled for Feb. 17 during the university's observance of Black History Month. For more information, click here to go to the Black History Month page on this website.
Wednesday, Jan. 22, Noon to 2 p.m.
Student Center East Ballroom and Community Viewing via Livestream at Perimeter College Campuses (Locations listed below)
Cultures, Communities & Inclusion
Celebrate MLK Commencement Week with a meaningful and inspiring gathering at the Daydreamer Brunch! Join us for a morning of powerful messages, community and reflection as we honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. This event will be filled with inspiration, joy and togetherness as we celebrate Dr. King’s vision and dream for equality and unity. Featuring keynote speaker, T. Dallas Smith, GSU Choir, student oratory contest and a delicious brunch.
Note: This event is open to all, however, only current Georgia State students will be eligible for the free brunch. Additional attendees may enjoy the brunch for $15.
Community Livestream Showings at Perimeter Campuses
This centerpiece event of Georgia State's MLK Commemoration is for all campuses, and community livestream viewing events will be held at the following locations at each respective campus of Perimeter College.
- Alpharetta: AB 105
- Clarkston: CN 2220
- Decatur: SF 2100
- Dunwoody: NB 2100
- Newton: 2N Auditorium
Livestream Access
Georgia State students, faculty and staff will be able to watch the livestream using a link the link below.
You will use your campus ID and password to open the livestream. If you miss the live event, a recording will be available later and will be linked here.
Leadership Lunch & Learn
Thursday, Jan. 23, Noon to 2 p.m.
Veterans Memorial Hall at Dahlberg Hall
Leadership Programs
Join your fellow Panthers, in person or online, for an inspiring panel discussion featuring influential GSU and community leaders whose lives and work have been shaped by Dr. King's legacy. Lunch is on us as we come together to explore powerful topics, including overcoming adversity, becoming a person of influence, advocating for oneself and others, maintaining mental health and wellness, leveraging AI, social media, and technology to lead effectively in the digital age, and much more!
Hoop Dreams: MLK 3 v 3 Basketball Tournament
Friday, Jan. 24, 3 to 6 p.m.
Student Recreation Center
Cultures, Communities & Inclusion
Join us for the Hoop Dreams: MLK 3 v 3 Basketball Tournament at Georgia State University in celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day! Hosted in collaboration with the Student Recreation Center, this event invites students to showcase their skills, promote teamwork, and honor Dr. King’s legacy through sports and unity. Don’t miss out on the chance to compete and celebrate a day of community, camaraderie, and fun!
In the Community
GSU & You: Share Your Events for MLK '25
As we prepare for MLK '25, if your unit or department has an MLK event, we'd love to list it on this site! Or, if you have suggestions for events happening around the metro Atlanta area commemorating Dr. King, please let us know by clicking here.