Luz Lituma (B.B.A. in marketing, ‘11) has mastered one of the most powerful digital marketing tools: Instagram. LatinXHikers, the Instagram account she co-manages alongside a friend, has amassed more than 16,000 followers since its summer 2017 inception. The organization’s purpose? To encourage more members of the Latinx community to hit the trails, and to remove barriers preventing them from doing so.
For starters, Lituma says outdoor recreation is a largely white pastime, particularly in the North Georgia mountains. And that can be intimidating.
“You have to pass a lot of Confederate flags to get where you want to go,” she said.
By embarking on group hikes hosted by LatinXHikers, participants feel more comfortable and build friendships in the process. For Lituma, the establishment of new relationships is a key indicator of LatinXHikers’ success.
Catch the full profile article by Bobbin Wages at the Robinson College of Business website! Select the link below to learn more.