Georgia State University President Mark Becker wrote to the university community on July 18, 2020:
The Georgia State University community is profoundly saddened by the death of Georgia Congressman John Lewis. A heroic champion for civil rights, he was also an outspoken advocate for educational opportunity and equity. Congressman Lewis’s Atlanta office is on the edge of our downtown campus, and he often shared that one of the joys of being in Atlanta was seeing the thousands of Georgia State students moving about our university. A man of deep faith and inviolable convictions, he was the model of a servant leader, unfailingly gentle and unremittingly strong. Our nation has lost a great American. We must honor his legacy by continuing the work of creating the kind of equal and inclusive society to which he dedicated his life. We will miss him dearly.
Mark Becker
Rep. Lewis' Fall 2019 Freshman Convocation Speech
Rep. Lewis' speech begins near the 28-minute mark.
To read a transcript of Rep. Lewis' speech, please click https://provost.gsu.edu/files/2020/07/john-lewis-transcription-bt.pdf.
Georgia State Associate Professor Recalls Rep. Lewis and His Legacy
Maurice Hobson, Associate Professor of African American Studies and historian - and native of Selma, Alabama - spoke to Rose Scott at WABE about Rep. Lewis' legacy. Click here for more.